Thursday, February 22, 2007

Check this movie out

How To Share Videos With Your Friends And Get Paid! Click Here.

OMG, this has to be one of the greatest videos I`ve ever seen.

A talk show host laughs at his guest`s girly voice. In one way, this is absolutely not an appropriate way to treat your guests, but in another, just listen to this guy talking and then NOT laugh.

Hillarious :))

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

More football

Hello readers, this is your blogger speaking!

I just watched the champions league game between Barcelona and Liverpool and I am very pleased with the results. I wanted for that pompose Barcelona team to lose so I can gloat and laugh at my friend who is a big Barcelona fan. He just adores Ronaldinho who didn't play very well (read: sucked) :)

However, I'm glad that Porto held a big team like Chelsea to a draw. Actually, I'm a big fan of the great trio of Portuguese football: Porto, Benfica and Sporting and I wish to see Porto at the finals (fingers crossed) :)
Just SEE THESE GREAT GOALS from Ricardo Quaresma. How can anyone not like him.


btw this is not beaver, it's his "uncool" friend :)

Playing Football

As I said before I like football very much. Playing, watching...Doesn`t matter.

Btw Barca lost a game at home. Unbelieveable. Guess this day had to come one day, and Liverpool`s always been a good team. Better them then, I don`t know...Chelsea.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fasnik...or should I say Halloween?

Lets start with little geography. I`m from Croatia. That`s in southern Europe. Today is 20th February. The one day in a year when all laws and rules end, and the day when everybody come out dressed as someone else and rule with their own set of rules. Ladies and gentleman, today are Maškare or Fašnik.

Guys and girls from USA and some other countries call it Halloween (doesn`t matter that they occure on different days). And they go out trick or treating. Here in Europe, we also do the same thing (although I stopped doing that last year).

But I`m not saying that we don`t act foolish these days, because we do (some pics coming later). I`m just saying we don`t go out trick or treating. That`s for little girls. And boys.

And my momma always says I`m a big boy :( So, I won`t go.

Btw I like football (or soccer). Today`s also Tuesday - The Champions League day. Real Madrid vs. Bayern.

Go, Ruud, go, Ruud, go, go!!!!

The game has just ended 3:2 for Real Madrid. Ruud scored once. All in all, haven`t seen such a good game in months.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Le Introduction

I was sitting on the toilet when I got the greatest idea. Why shoudn`t I write my own blog, and therefore become famous, rich and have tons of chicks just waiting for my next post. Like other people. Simpsons did it. Borat did it. All these cool guys have millions of fans. So I wanted to become one of them.

But nooooo.

So, there you have me. An almost cool guy, with almost cool idea. And there you have this other guy, a friend of mine (which is totally uncool). And as soon as I announced my idea, there he goes:

"Hey, friend. Can I join your blog with my not-so-cool posts, so that we can become famous together." I wanted to say "No", but he was just staring at me with puppy dog eyes. So I said "Yes, OK, you can write posts on my blog :( "

But the story doesn`t end here. Of course.

There you have this third guy, the friend`s brother (which is also not as cool as me, but I must say he is, because he`ll kick my ass) who also wanted to join.

And in the end, there you have all three of us. Unithree (it`s really a cool name if you look at it twice) as we call our blog. And what are we?

We`re three simple guys which follow three simple life rules. Have fun, make money, and stay out of trouble. It`s what this blog`s all about. Here you`ll find amusing videos (ours and others), exciting life stories, and we even think about making this blog our artistic retreat.

Enjoy :)

BTW I was just joking about these guys. They are really nice. But you`ll get to know them better thru their posts. And have fun guessing which post belongs to who :)

Did I say enjoy?

Well, enjoy!